Chameleons: Care and Breeding of Jackson's, Panther, Veiled, and Parson's (Advanced Vivarium Systems)
The one and only
chameleon is world renowned for its ability to
change its skin color rapidly (throughout movement of
pigment cells) and for the outrageous length of its
tongue (more than one and a half times its body length!).
Relatives of
agamids and
chameleons are
tree climbing reptiles that have highly specialized needs.
Written by a team of experienced herp experts,
Chameleons intends to instruct keepers on how to best care for their
chameleons and covers the four most commonly kept
Jackson’s chameleon with its prized
triceratops horns on its head, panther
chameleon with its spectacular
coloration, veiled
chameleon with its unusual
casque on its head, and the rather large
Parson’s chameleon.
The book subsequently is divided into four parts, each including an introduction and natural history,
captive care, and
reproduction of the species. Part I, Jackson’s
Chameleon was written by
Sean McKeown; Part II,
Panther Chameleon by Gary Ferguson, James B. Murphy, Achille Raselimanana, and Jean-Baptiste Ramanamanjato; Part III, Veiled Chameleon and Part IV,
Parson’s Chameleon by Kenneth Kalisch.
References and index included.